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First Impressions

Having been to the Philippines before, there isn't a whole lot here that is new or shocking to me. However, most of you have not been here, so I want to share with you a few things about the Philippines:

1) There really are no written traffic rules. There are unspoken rules, but the organization that exists in the U.S. doesn't exist here. Thankfully, the Filipinos drive on the right side of the road (literally "right", not "correct"), though sometimes they coutnerflow, which means that they start additional lanes on the opposite side of the street. Driving here is very aggressive, but I have taken on the challenge head-on. I have a small blue Toyota, and I have driven it to a couple different malls. Honeslty, this was what I was the most nervous about when I came to Manila, but I have been able to learn quickly.

This is a row of Jeepeneys - old WWII vehicles that have been changed into public transportation.

2) Everything takes more time in the Philippines. No longer does it take me 90 minutes to go 90 miles. Now it takes me 90 minutes to go about 5 miles...depending on traffic. What sometimes can be a 10-15 minute drive other times can be a 45-60 minute drive. In addition, it took me three visits and multiple hours to get my phone set up. In the U.S., it may take 20-30 minutes to get a driver's license, but here it took me about 3 1/2 hours (and one person took about 5 1/2!). I am not used to this, but everyone here says that God brings people to the Philippines to teach them patience. I believe God has given me great patience already (maybe it's all those years working with 8th graders), but I know I still have more to learn!

Three other new staff and myself getting ready for a long day getting our driver's licenses.

3) Filipinos are wonderful people. There are so many helpful people in the Philippines, and they are always smiling. When you go to the store, there are always multiple people around to help you. They are a people who value relationships. Respect and position are important, and therefore they will refre to me as "yes, maam, sir." :)

The view from my condo. Faith academy is the white building with a blue roof on the top left corner. Manila is on the right.

4) I have a great apartment with an absolutely incredible view. From my window, I can see both Faith Academy and the city of Manila. It also is near a golf course with a lot of trees, so it makes it seem like it is not quite in the city. I am in a one-bedroom condo by myself, but the condo building is fill

ed with Faith Academy staff. There have been many, many people to hang out with (and I'm probably hanging out more than I should be, as I'm not getting as much work done!!!). I am excited to be living here for this year.

5) Filipinos LOVE food! There are cheap food options everywhere! And, there are TONS of cheap and delicious desserts. You can get an ice cream cone for as cheap as about $0.12! There are so many options of places for where you can eat, particularly in the malls. A typical value meal costs around $3 (though it is usually in smaller portions than I would get in the U.S.). They also have absolutely incredible fruit! I have thoroghly enjoyed the mangos and pomelo (a sweet, grapefruit-type fruit)!

6) I am SO excited to be working at Faith Academy! Throughout my time at New Staff Orientation and the All-Staff Retreat, I have met some wonderful people. I have been so encouraged by them, and they have helped build my excitement for this coming year. They have told me that the 6th graders are a wonderful bunch of kids! They have also helped me acclimate and get used to life in the Philippines. I have had so many people offer to help me out and who have done things for me to make me feel welcome. I am looking forward to being a part of this community for a long time!

The new staff for the 2015-16 school year!

You know know a little bit more about the Philippines. Hopefully I'll continue posting as time goes on! If you have anything you would like to know, just contact me, and I'll be happy to answer your questions!

Amanda Benson - Teaching Missionary Kids at Faith Academy in Manila, Philippines with SEND International.

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